Yann Bergen Yann Bergen

Essential Christmas Gift Guide for Coffee Lovers

Want to upgrade your brewing setup or help someone get started brewing coffee at home? Have you checked out our curated selection of favorite brewing tools yet? While we’re not fans of cluttering your home with unnecessary gear, there are some essentials we believe can truly elevate your morning coffee routine. These are the tools we personally use every day — at home, in our coffee shops in Locarno and Bolivia, and even when we travel.

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Yann Bergen Yann Bergen

Four Tasty Summer Coffee Drinks

Summer might seem like an odd time to talk about coffee, but it’s actually the perfect season to explore a wide array of delicious iced coffee drinks! In this post, we’ll share some of our favorite recipes from our coffee shop that you can easily recreate at home using our Bolivian specialty coffee beans. Includes Iced Flat White, Aerocano, Ice Drip and Cascafresco recipes.

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Journey into Bolivian Coffee: Nurturing Coffee Quality from Plant to Roastery (Part 2/2)

After our intense day in Caranavi, the journey continued to El Alto, where the elevation reaches a staggering 4,000 masl. Here, against the backdrop of the Andes, we dedicated the second day to a crucial yet often overlooked step in the coffee production process: packing at the dry mill plant. For the third consecutive year, we took a hands-on approach, personally overseeing this vital stage – a practice that sets us apart in the industry.

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Journey into Bolivian Coffee: Navigating Challenges, Celebrating Exceptional Quality (Part 1/2)

Moving back to Switzerland in 2022 marked the beginning of our annual pilgrimage to Bolivia every January. This voyage blends family reunions, work meetings at our sister roastery Elevate Coffee and coffee shop Supersymmetry, and, most importantly, a direct connection with our Bolivian producers. It's a concoction of vacation, family bonding, and work, accentuated by our yearly retreat—a time for reflection, recalibration, and the birth of innovative ideas propelling our business forward and fortifying connections with our customers and stakeholders. This year's visit, captured in this blog post, delves into the challenges faced during the 2023 coffee production, revealing both setbacks and exceptional outcomes.

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Yann Bergen Yann Bergen

5 Idee regalo per amanti del caffè

Hai un disperato bisogno di un regalo di Natale dell'ultimo minuto, ma vuoi comunque dimostrare la tua premurosità? Oppure vuoi finalmente il meritato upgrade alla tua attrezzatura per il caffè? Ecco la nostra selezione selezionata di accessori per il caffè che potrebbero aiutarti nella tua ricerca. Questi sono tutti accessori che usiamo quotidianamente a casa e nei nostri bar o che abbiamo provato noi stessi e, in base alla nostra esperienza, li riteniamo pienamente degni di trovarsi su questa lista!

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Yann Bergen Yann Bergen

5 Coffee Christmas Gift Ideas!

Are you in desperate need for a last minute Christmas gift, but still want to show your thoughtfulness? Or do you yourself finally spoil on that well deserved upgrade to your coffee equipment? Here is our handpicked selection of coffee accessories that might help you out in your quest. These are all accessories that we use daily at home and in our coffee shops or tried ourselves and - based on our own experience - deem them fully worthy to be on this list!

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Yann Bergen Yann Bergen

11 things to look for when buying a home espresso machine

It’s been a while since I wanted to write a comprehensive guide on home espresso machines, yet I struggled to find a way to make it as useful as possible, steering between the sheer amount of options available on the market. Finally one of you gave me the right input by asking what he should be looking for when searching for an espresso machine, independently from which exact model and/or manufacturer we would recommend. In the following paragraphs we’ll try to do just that in a comprehensive and approachable way. This blog post is mainly intended to speak to a broader audience and thus lacks more advanced content such as very technical explanations and flow or pressure profiling capabilities although some of the machines listed at the end, might already have them installed or are able to be upgraded to it.

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Espresso at Home Yann Bergen Espresso at Home Yann Bergen

Comprendere le variabili di estrazione dell'espresso

L'espresso è una bevanda complessa da preparare e navigare tutte le variabili che influenzano l'estrazione può essere scoraggiante se ti trovi davanti alla tua nuova macchina espresso per la prima volta e ti chiedi da dove cominciare. Ma non preoccuparti, in questa panoramica di base delle variabili di estrazione, specificamente rivolta all'utente alle prime armi e alla maggior parte delle macchine espresso domestiche, ti daremo una solida comprensione di come aggiustarle per ottenere un fantastico espresso dai tuoi chicchi di caffè specialty.

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Espresso at Home Yann Bergen Espresso at Home Yann Bergen

Espresso-Extraktionsvariablen verstehen

Espresso ist ein komplex zuzubereitendes Getränk, und die zeitgleiche Berücksichtigung aller Variablen, die die Extraktion beeinflussen, kann entmutigend sein, wenn du zum ersten Mal vor deiner tollen neuen Kaffeemaschine stehst und dich fragst, wo du denn nun anfangen sollst. Aber keine Sorge, in dieser grundlegenden Übersicht über Extraktionsvariablen – die sich speziell an den Heimanwender und die meisten Heim-Espressomaschinen richtet – vermitteln wir dir einen genaueren Überblick darüber, wie du diese steuerst, um das Beste aus deinem Spezialitätenkaffee herauszuholen.

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Espresso at Home Yann Bergen Espresso at Home Yann Bergen

Understanding espresso extraction variables

Espresso is a complex beverage to prepare and steering around all the variables affecting extraction can be daunting if you first stand before your new setup and wonder where to begin. But don’t worry, in this basic overview of extraction variables - specifically directed towards the home user and most home espresso machines - we will give you a firm grasp on how to navigate them to get the most our of your specialty coffee beans.

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